05 September 2019

Minor joins with IBM and AIS to partner up with P-TECH to equip youth with new and in-demand skills for future

Partnership and people development at Minor International has always been important. This year, we have teamed up with one of partners in the ‘Pathway in Technology Early College High School’ (P-TECH). This vocational training course aims at identifying the specific skills and knowledge needed by businesses in telecom and hospitality industries, then preparing students for ‘new-collar’ job opportunities in telecom and hospitality through the mentoring, familiarizing trip to the worksite and have paid internships.

In addition, we have also participated in a discussion forum on 'Think Thailand’ by responding to work according to the national strategy for 10 years with the goal of creating 'a stable nation, happy population, strong economy, fair society and sustainable natural resource base’ at the Royal Paragon Hall.

Throughout the years, we have continuously developed the skills and abilities necessary to work with the youth of Thailand through various programmes. P-TECH is another important programme which focuses on bringing new knowledge and skills to develop our young people, who are studying in their desired fields to become an important force in driving the Thai economy forward in the future.

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